More Astronomy Stories

OSIRIS-REx team chooses spot on asteroid to grab sample

The team chose the site by whittling down candidates using a bracket system.

Ann Hampton Callaway sings "The Linda Ronstadt Songbook".

Also on Arizona Spotlight: The Tucson Handweavers & Spinners Guild; Arizona Theatre Company's "Silent Sky"; and Adiba Nelson on "The Trick That is Halloween".

Sandra Cisneros on being an "extroverted introvert."

Also on Arizona Spotlight: How the Prison Education Project offers inmates a chance to learn about the universe.

Ocean & Space

Learn about UA scientists in the Southern Ocean measuring climate change; and celebrating the past and future of space exploration at Spacefest X.

Dr. Mae C. Jemison: "Living Deeply and Looking Up"

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Artists wish UA students good luck during finals week; Exploring Persian fairy tales and women in mythology; Adiba Nelson on the challenges of being a mom.

UA Astronomers Contribute to Historic Image of Black Hole

Faculty and student researchers worked on the method used to generate the groundbreaking picture.

Tucson Youth Put National Parks in Focus

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Visit the Center for Compassion Studies; NASA pioneer Dee O'Hara interview; Adiba Nelson talks "From Period to Postpartum"; holiday traditions old and new.

Winter Solstice Celebrations

The traditional beginning of winter marks a season of holidays for many cultures and religions.

Judge Sides With Pima County On Part 2 of World View Case

Ruling says the county properly entered into no-bid contracts with builders so it could meet World View's needs.

UA Scientists Expect Bright Discoveries From Solar Satellite

NASA solar probe to be launched Saturday to measure sun's atmosphere

A Bright Touch: Harpist Christine Vivona

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Voices of protesters in Nogales; and a conversation with NASA nurse Dee O'Hara on the birth of the space program.

Arizona Telescope Array Gets Upgrade to See Fainter Stars

The new setup should improve distance by a factor of 10, an astronomer on the project said.

NASA Delays Telescope Launch Again

UA astronomer leads camera team that will look for early galaxies.

UA Scientists Tracking Chinese Space Station Falling to Earth

Experts predict Tiangong-1 will have a fiery re-entry into Earth's atmosphere later this week.

UA Series Taps Into Exoplanet Fascination

Flandrau Science Center presentations focus on possible Earth-like worlds

Global Telescope Array Peering Into Space for 1st Glimpse of Black Hole

UA part of Event Horizon Telescope experiment, which would provide clues to universe's origins.

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